Best Practice Model for Collaborative Annotation of Literary Texts
By Janina Jacke on March 15, 201602The heureCLÉA team presented a best practice model for the collaborative annotation of literary texts at the Dhd Conference in Leipzig. Here are some reactions. Gius: Forschungsdesiderat: best practice-Vorschläge für kollaborative Annotation literarischer Texte #dhd2016 #v4a — sabine seifert (@sabine_seifert) 10. März 2016 Gius: Hauptproblem: lit. Texte sind polyvalent –> kollaboratives Annotieren dient nicht dem Finden der einen richtigen Lesart […] -
heureCLÉA on television
By Janina Jacke on June 1, 2015CATMA and heureCLÉA are featured in the television show “Hamburgs Beste”. The topic of this episode is “digitization”. Digitization in the humanities, and with it CATMA and heureCLÉA, is addressed in the second part, starting at 6:50. -
heureCLÉA in motion
By heureadmin on March 27, 2014Taking the idea of annotation as a moving target to a new level: the heureCLÉA team at DHd 2014! Here’s an extract from the paper delivered by Evelyn Gius and Janina Jacke at the DHd 2014 on 28/3/2014: “Aufgrund des Zusammenspiels von literaturwissenschaftlichen – und speziell: hermeneutischen – Verfahren und informatischen Verfahren der Information Extraction und der Statistik stehen sich […]
Contact Us
Prof. J.C. Meister & Prof. Michael Gertz (Uni Heidelberg)
c/o Department of Languages, Literatures and Media
University of Hamburg
Von-Melle-Park 6
D-20146 Hamburg
Prof. J.C. Meister & Prof. Michael Gertz (Uni Heidelberg)
c/o Department of Languages, Literatures and Media
University of Hamburg
Von-Melle-Park 6
D-20146 Hamburg