heureCLÉA http://heureclea.de Collaborative Literature Exploration & Annotation Wed, 08 Feb 2017 15:22:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.3 Best Practice Model for Collaborative Annotation of Literary Texts http://heureclea.de/best-practice-model-for-collaborative-annotation-of-literary-texts/ Tue, 15 Mar 2016 14:45:30 +0000 http://heureclea.de/?p=713 The heureCLÉA team presented a best practice model for the collaborative annotation of literary texts at the Dhd Conference in Leipzig. Here are some reactions.

Alice Download – DHd 2016 http://heureclea.de/alice-download-dhd-2016/ Mon, 07 Mar 2016 20:30:43 +0000 http://heureclea.de/?p=694 Alice.txt (click to download)

heureCLÉA@dh2015 in Sydney http://heureclea.de/heurecleadh2015-in-sydney/ Thu, 02 Jul 2015 04:46:38 +0000 http://heureclea.de/?p=663 The heureCLÉA team presented a paper at the international Digital Humanities conference at the University of Western Sydney, Australia (29 June – 03 July 2015). Our message: DH collaborations are specifically well suited to provoke a rethinking of discipline-specific dogmas – an incredibly valuable “side effect” apart from the defined project goals.

The following tweets give an impression of how our talk was received.

heureCLÉA on television http://heureclea.de/heureclea-on-television/ Mon, 01 Jun 2015 16:03:54 +0000 http://heureclea.de/?p=655 CATMA and heureCLÉA are featured in the television show “Hamburgs Beste”. The topic of this episode is “digitization”. Digitization in the humanities, and with it CATMA and heureCLÉA, is addressed in the second part, starting at 6:50.



heureCLÉA@ENN http://heureclea.de/heurecleaenn/ Thu, 16 Apr 2015 20:35:18 +0000 http://heureclea.de/?p=648 heureCLÉA was represented at the 4th Conference of the European Narratology Network in Ghent (16th – 18th April 2015). This time, we demonstrated how the cooperation between narratologists and computer scientists provided new insights into the interpretiveness of narratological categories.

heureCLÉA @ DHSummit15 http://heureclea.de/heureclea-dhsummit15/ Wed, 04 Mar 2015 19:43:25 +0000 http://heureclea.de/?p=642 The heureCLÉA team introduced a poster at the DARIAH-DE DH Summit 2015 in Berlin. Due to our short and sweet presentation at the Poster Slam, not one question has been left unanswered concerning the infamous acronym “heureCLÉA”, or our logo, the gear wheel.

Presentations and poster at #DHd2015 in Graz http://heureclea.de/presentations-and-poster-at-dhd2015-in-graz/ Wed, 25 Feb 2015 19:09:05 +0000 http://heureclea.de/?p=634 The heureCLÉA team presented two papers and one poster at the DHd 2015 conference in Graz, Austria. We collected some tweets to summarise our contributions.

Thomas Bögel, Michael Gertz, Evelyn Gius, Janina Jacke, Jan Christoph Meister, Marco Petris, Jannik Strötgen: Gleiche Textdaten, unterschiedliche Erkenntnisziele? Zum Potential vermeintlich widersprüchlicher Zugänge zu Textanalyse.

Evelyn Gius & Marco Petris: Die explorative Visualisierung von Texten. Von den Herausforderungen der Darstellung geisteswissenschaftlicher Primär- und Annotationsdaten.

Poster presentation: Thomas Bögel, Marco Petris, Jannik Strötgen & Michael Gertz: An End-To-End Integration of Automatic Annotations into CATMA. [pdf]

Workshop: Narratological Concepts & Interpretation http://heureclea.de/workshop-narratological-concepts-interpretation/ Sat, 22 Nov 2014 17:49:45 +0000 http://heureclea.de/?p=620 Christian Folde from PHLOX and Janina Jacke from heureCLÉA are holding an interdisciplinary two-day workshop on Narratological Concepts and Interpretation. The workshop will take place in Hamburg, December 12th-13th 2014, in the AS-Saal of the Hauptgebäude. The titles of the talks are as follows:

  1. Tom Kindt – TBA
  2. Christiana Werner: “The problem with The Purple Rose of Cairo: fictional characters as intentional objects of emotions”
  3. Tilmann Köppe: “Narrative Closure”
  4. Stacie Friend: “Realism and Reality”
  5. Thomas Petraschka: “On categorial and semantic intentions and on their relevance for interpretation, theory of fiction and narratology”
  6. Peter Lamarque: “Interpretation and the Opacity of Narrative”

If you want to read more about the idea of the workshop click here.

#DH2014 Tutorial http://heureclea.de/dh2014-tutorial/ Wed, 09 Jul 2014 09:41:05 +0000 http://heureclea.de/?p=556 Thomas presenting automatically created annotations in CATMA at our #DH2014 tutorial in Lausanne.

Thomas presenting automatically created annotations in CATMA at our #DH2014 tutorial in Lausanne.

In the course of  DH2014, the heureCLÉA team gave a tutorial on using CATMA as a collaborative annotation and analysis tool. In addition to CATMA, we also presented the first joint results of the heureCLÉA project: after a short introduction to HeidelTime and the flexibility of its underlying architecture (UIMA), we gave a demo on the integration of our automatic text processing pipeline into CATMA.   We’d like to thank all of the attendees for their active participation and valuable feedback. We hope you enjoyed the tutorial as much as we did.   You can download the accompanying material used during the tutorial from here!   https://twitter.com/blros/status/486495104778387456

Dario Rodighiero—Designer and Doctoral Assistant at DHLAB, EPFL—has created the DH2014 conference identity. The identity is built upon a network, and this network is composed entirely of keywords describing DH2014’s accepted papers and posters. Two keywords are connected if they are used in the same paper, and an edge’s weight is given by the number of papers using these two keywords. Furthermore, to increase the depth of layers, edge thickness has been intensified according to the number of authors creating these pairs, emphasizing their voices. Source: http://dh2014.org/2014/06/26/dh2014-conference-identity/

Dario Rodighiero—Designer and Doctoral Assistant at DHLAB, EPFL—has created the DH2014 conference identity. The identity is built upon a network, and this network is composed entirely of keywords describing DH2014’s accepted papers and posters. Two keywords are connected if they are used in the same paper, and an edge’s weight is given by the number of papers using these two keywords. Furthermore, to increase the depth of layers, edge thickness has been intensified according to the number of authors creating these pairs, emphasizing their voices.
Source: http://dh2014.org/2014/06/26/dh2014-conference-identity/

Poster presentations at LREC 2014, Reykjavik http://heureclea.de/poster-presentations-at-lrec-2014-reykjavik/ Tue, 10 Jun 2014 18:54:13 +0000 http://heureclea.de/?p=546 Here are our two posters that we presented at this year’s LREC in Reykjavik, Iceland:

  • Computational Narratology: Extracting Tense Clusters from Narrative Texts. [poster] [paper]
  • Extending HeidelTime for Temporal Expressions Referring to Historic Dates. [poster] [paper]